Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Just Friends - Movie Review

In high school, Chris Brander was an overweight, maladroit teen who spent every waking moment with his co-ed pal Jamie Palamino. On the verge of graduation, Chris is humiliated when his yearbook confession to Jamie - that he wants to be more than "just friends" - is read aloud. Jamie is flattered, but rebuffs his advances, and Chris spends the next decade transforming himself into a buff, callous ladies' man. Assigned by his boss to sign his pop star ex-girlfriend Samantha James, Chris finds himself stranded in New Jersey for the holidays, where he promptly sets out to find Jamie. But winning back the love of his life proves difficult, as Chris not only has to get back in touch with the sensitive teen he once was, but also fend off competition from another former geek, the guitar-playing Dusty.

This movie was both dumb and hilarious at the same time. Some of the situations were just so over the top that you couldn't help but laugh. Ryan Reynolds plays the same character that he seems to play in every movie, so I don't give it points for originality. I wouldn't rush right out to watch it, but it's good for a few laughs if you're in a silly mood.

Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Amy Smart, Anna Faris

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Born Into Brothels - Movie Review

Born Into Brothels is a documentary about the inspiring non-profit foundation Kids With Cameras, which teaches photography skills to children in marginalized communities. In 1998, New York-based photographer Zana Briski started photographing prostitutes in the red-light district of Calcutta. She eventually developed a relationship with their children, who were fascinated by her equipment. After several years of learning in workshops with Briski, the kids created their own photographs with point-and-shoot 35 mm cameras. Their images capture the intimacy and color of everyday life in the overpopulated sections of Calcutta. Proceeds from the sale of the children's photographs go to fund their future education.

This documentary is both sad and inspiring at the same time. The conditions that the children live in are horrible and their family situations are very bad to say the least. On the other hand, when the children are given cameras to take pictures of their lives, the resulting images are pretty amazing and uplifting. Despite the squalor they live in, they are still able to capture a temendous amount of beauty on film. The transformation that the kids make, once they have something to strive for, is pretty amazing. The special features includes a segment that shows what happened to the kids three years after filming stopped - it was a nice way to wrap up a great documentary. More information about the non-profit organization can be found here.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Zana Briski

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

What the "Bleep" Do We Know? - Movie Review

Part narrative, part documentary, and part animation, What the #$*! Do We Know?! was filmed with the intent of expressing the neurological processes and so called "quantum uncertainty" of life. Marlee Matlin stars as Amanda, whose uninspired daily routine is abruptly altered into a chaotic, Alice in Wonderland-style reality, complete with quirky characters and wildly different perspectives on life. As Amanda falls deeper into the experience, she's forced to drastically reconsider her perceptions of interpersonal relationships, men, and the fundamental principles of life. What the #$*! Do We Know?! is supplemented by a host of mystics and scientists, who are interviewed intermittently throughout the film for their wisdom and knowledge concerning religion, science, the thin line between them, and the consequences of blurring that line.

This film was a coupling of philosophy and science. I had a little background with the science topics so I wasn't completely lost, but for the uninitiated, this film could be very overwhelming and confusing. The topic is so mindboggling that I wouldn't recommend it for anyone with a closed mind or anyone who has trouble imagining abstract concepts. I'll be honest and say that I probably need to watch it one more time to really "get" it. Overall, I liked the fact that it made you really use your mind and was different than anything I have ever seen.

Rating: 3 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, John Ross Bowie

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Friday, May 26, 2006

When a Stranger Calls - Movie Review

Jill Johnson is a high-schooler dealing with the usual set of crises: an unfaithful boyfriend, a bitchy best friend, and an over-the-limit cell phone bill. In order to pay for the latter, her father has committed her to a babysitting gig with a wealthy family. At the isolated, palatial house, Jill settles in for a night of no-stress kid-watching. But it isn't long before someone starts anonymously calling the house with creepy, increasingly specific messages. Jill doesn't rule out anyone, but it becomes clear that whomever it is, he or she is watching her, and may be closer than she even suspects.

This was a very bad and stereotypical "horror" flick. There was absolutely nothing original about this movie (not to mention it was a remake) and you know exactly how it will end from the very beginning. There was a lot of suspense, but it was really just waiting for something you know is going to happen and it takes almost the entire film for it to come to fruition. In the meantime, you lollygag for 1 hour while not much is going on and the last 15 minutes is moderately exciting. Don't waste your time - it's actually pretty laughable even though it's supposed to be scary (watch Scream instead).

Rating: 1 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Camilla Belle

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Transamerica - Movie Review

One week before going under the knife, a pre-operative transsexual named Bree (whose given name was Stanley) learns that she fathered a boy who is now 17 and is in trouble with the law. Bree would like to ignore this information, but is forced to meet the young man because her advisor will not allow the surgery to happen unless Bree meets him and confronts this aspect of her past. Upon meeting, the son believes that Bree is simply a do-gooder. She buys a car and the two road-trip back to her home in Los Angeles, Bree all the while attempting to keep from Toby the truth of the situation.

And I thought Brokeback Mountain was slow... This film was only about 90 minutes, but it seemed much longer. It was very awkward to watch Felicity Huffman act like a transsexual after watching her as a mother of 4 in Desperate Housewives. Don't get me wrong, she did a great acting job, but I kept picturing her as Lynette and could see right through the act. The whole film was very downbeat and dreary, so I came away feeling a bit drained. I'm not sure exactly what the point of the movie was supposed to be (other than showing the tough life of a transsexual), but the plot sure wasn't very exciting or engaging. The sub-plot of the porn actor son seemed to be frivolously thrown in to create more drama, but seemed unnecessary. Overall, I wouldn't bother watching this one unless you're ready for a snooze - or if you thought Brokeback Mountain was a great film.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Felicity Huffman, Kevin Zegers

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Cheaper By the Dozen 2 - ACE Train Movie Review

College football coach Tom Baker and his wife, author Kate Baker, have decided its time they took their sizable brood of 12 children on a summer vacation, and so they pack up the cars and take the kids to Lake Winnetka for some camping. Not all the kids are happy about this, but the one who is really annoyed turns out to be Tom, who discovers his old rival Jimmy Murtaugh is also staying near the lake. Jimmy and his trophy wife, Sarina, also have a large family of eight children, and Jimmy and Tom seem intent upon one-upping each other at every opportunity. As the tensions mount, the Baker family and the Murtaugh clan face off in a not-so-good-natured series of family games to determine which of the parents have the greater bragging rights.

This is a sequel that really didn't need to be made. The first film was average (I gave it 3 stars) and this one was average as well. The only films that should have sequels are good ones that are purposefully written in a way that leaves the audience asking for more. After the first film, I didn't necessarily want more. But alas, I watched the sequel and came away with the impression that it was... average. It wasn't great or horrible, had some funny parts, touching moments and dramatic events. The plot was nothing new and the actors seemed to have fairly good chemistry, but it is a bit much with so many actors on screen at once. Nothing really stood out about this movie, but I would say that it is kid friendly and family oriented - so, it's "safe".

Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Steve Martin, Eugene Levy, Bonnie Hunt, Carmen Electra, Hilary Duff

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Monday, May 22, 2006

The Ringer - ACE Train Movie Review

Steve Barker is an office drone who wants to move up the corporate ladder, but when he asks his boss for a promotion, it comes with a condition - Steve has to fire Stavi, who has been the firm's janitor for years. Steve decides to soften the blow by hiring Stavi to do his lawn and garden work. However, an accident robs Stavi of several of his fingers, and since he doesn't have medical insurance, Steve needs to find a way to pay for his surgery. Steve's uncle Gary, a sleazy type who will bet on anything, also needs some fast cash, and comes up with a get-rich-quick scheme - Steve was a track star in high school, and with the Special Olympics Championships coming up, all Steve has to do is pretend to be mentally challenged, enter the competition, and win the running events against six-time medalist Jimmy. Gary will bet big on Steve, and the odds will allow them to clean up. Steve is appalled by the idea, but he needs the money badly enough to go along. However, Steve discovers that Jimmy is fast enough that he has little chance of beating him. However, Jimmy's colossal ego has made him many enemies among his fellow Special Olympians, and they're eager enough to see him taken down a peg that they help Steve train for the big event. Matters become all the more complicated when Steve becomes infatuated with Lynn, a beautiful woman who has volunteered to help the challenged athletes, and would doubtless be furious if she found out what Steve was really doing.

I had very, very, very, very low expectations for this film - it does star Johnny Knoxville after all. Why did I watch it, you ask? I'm running out of new movies :-) Anyway, this movie was definitely not as bad as I had expected and was actually pretty funny. As "wrong" as the premise for this film seems, it didn't come off as degrading to mentally challenged people and actually turned out to really show challenged folks in a good light and portrays them as very capable of doing "normal" things. While Knoxville was the lead actor, I thought some of the Special Olympians stole the show and had some of the best lines. I'm not going as far as to say this is a great movie, but it surprised me in how good it was.

Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Johnny Knoxville, Brian Cox, Katherine Heigl

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Producers - Movie Review

Max Bialystock was once one of Broadway's most successful producers, but a string of flops has thrown his career into a tailspin, and now he struggles to raise the cash to stage new shows by playing gigolo to lonely old ladies. While going over his books, accountant Leo Bloom notices that Bialystock raised more money than he spent for one show, and points out that if one raised enough money for a show that closed in one night, you could make more off a flop than a hit. This strikes Bialystock as a brilliant scheme, and he decides to give it a try, persuading Bloom to join him in staging the world's greatest flop. After discovering a truly vile script - "Springtime for Hitler," a musical set in the Third Reich written by neo-Nazi pigeon fancier Franz Liebkind - and giving a key role to the secretary Ulla, a drop-dead gorgeous blonde with only a tenuous understanding of the English language, Bialystock and Bloom are certain they have the disaster they need for their plan to work. But the scheme unexpectedly goes wrong when "Springtime for Hitler" becomes a "so bad it's good" hit.

Full disclosure - I am not a huge fan of musicals and didn't particularly like the film version of Chicago. This musical had so much hype (particularly surrounding the greatness of Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane on Broadway) that I was expecting a terrific film. Like most things, this didn't live up to the hype, but it wasn't terrible either. It had some very good, funny and entertaining moments and then there were some dull and boring scenes - I didn't particularly like the music part of this musical. Matthew and Nathan worked well together and I was pleasantly surprised by Will Ferrell's character who was very humorous despite being a huge fan of Hitler. Uma Thurman was less impressive and I didn't think the Swedish accent worked for her. If you're a fan of musicals, you might enjoy this film, but if not, try Rent instead which at least has some quality songs.

Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick, Uma Thurman, Will Ferrell

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Munich - Movie Review

The 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany, were supposed to be a peaceful gathering of outstanding athletes from around the world, but on September 5, the games took a sinister turn when eight masked Palestinian terrorists invaded the Olympic village, killing two Israeli athletes and abducting nine others. The kidnappers demanded safe passage out of Germany in addition to the release of Arab prisoners in Israeli and German prisons, but when they arrived at the Munich airport they were met by German police and military forces, and in the melee that followed, all nine hostages were killed. In the wake of the killings, the Israeli government gave Mossad, the nation's intelligence agency, a special assignment - to track down and eliminate the Palestinians responsible for the death of the Israeli athletes. A young and idealistic Mossad agent is assigned to the four-man unit created to wipe out the Olympic terrorists, but while he believes in serving his country, as their bloody work goes on he begins to buckle under the weight of his work and wonders if he can morally justify his nation's acts of revenge.

Steven Spielberg is great at producing/directing films that bring to light historical events that aren't necessarily upbeat, but are certainly worth being told. Munich is one of those films in the same vein as Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan and Amistad that is more of a history lesson than pure entertainment. The topic is somber and unpleasant, but the fact that it is based on true events and presented in an almost documentary-type fashion makes it interesting and educational at the same time. Everything about this film was high quality and very believable and I liked the fact that it focused on the aftermath of the Munich attack and not the attack itself which was much more publicized. My only two gripes are that it's a little too long (2hrs. 45 min.) and I was very surprised that there weren't a bunch of special features such as the actual news coverage of the Munich attack. Overall, if you're looking for a movie which might teach you something, take a look, but don't expect to walk away feeling good about the world.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Eric Bana, Daniel Craig, Ciaran Hinds, Geoffrey Rush

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle - Movie Review

This film follows the life-changing (and mind-altering) journey of Korean-American investment banker Harold and Indian-American medical-school candidate Kumar. Both underdogs, Harold and Kumar decide to spend what would have been an otherwise uneventful Friday night satisfying an oddly intense urge for White Castle hamburgers. However, finding a White Castle proves a highly difficult task, and the two friends wind up on an epic road trip of deep thoughts, deeper inhaling, and enough half-baked, politically incorrect philosophizing to outweigh a White Castle value meal.

If you are stoned and/or wasted, you would think this movie deserves 5 stars. However, as a sober viewer, this film is mildly funny, but mostly dumb. The main characters are likeable losers and get themselves into some pretty odd and entertaining situations. Neil Patrick Harris plays a character very similar to his role on the TV show "How I Met Your Mother" - a big departure from "Doogie Howser". If you liked "Half Baked", I'm sure you'll like this film as well, although it's not quite as funny. If not, then don't waste your time.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: John Cho, Kal Penn, Neil Patrick Harris

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The New World - ACE Train Movie Review

In 1607, British naval officer Captain Newport is leading the first expedition to the New World. One of the sailors accompanying Newport is Captain John Smith, who is valued for his skills as a fighter and a seaman, but also possesses a sharp temper and spends much of the voyage bound in chains because of disputes with his shipmates. When Newport and his men first set foot on the New World's soil, they have no idea what to expect, and are met by a handful of "naturals," as the British come to call the natives, who seem at once amused and puzzled by their visitors. Newport appoints Smith leader of a band ordered to explore the territory, and Powhatan, tribal leader of the natives, isn't sure what to make of the uninvited guests. When Powhatan decides the sailors are not going to leave of their own volition, he orders his warriors to attack them; several of the invaders are killed, but at the insistence of his daughter Pocahontas, the rest are spared, including Smith. Smith is one of the men left behind when Newport returns to England for supplies, and he soon becomes infatuated with the beautiful Pocahontas, and finds his edgy personality is soothed by the unspoiled beauty of this new land. At the same time, he is frequently at odds with the ugly and avaricious nature of his own people and their crude settlement. After Newport returns to the New World, Smith is sent home, and Pocahontas comes to believe that he is dead; when John Rolfe, who has established a tobacco plantation, asks Powhatan for Pocohontas' hand in marriage, he grants the request, and takes her back to England with him. When Smith finally returns to his beloved new land, he discovers the woman he loves is gone, and the British settlers and the "naturals" are on the verge of war.

There is a 15 letter word that perfectly describes this film: booooooooooring! If you're having trouble sleeping, pop this in and you're insomnia will be cured. It is sooooooo slooooooow mooooooving that you could walk away, make a sandwich, wash your car and still not miss anything. The only reason I gave it any stars at all is because the scenery is pretty nice, but the movie itself isn't worth watching. If you actually read the synopsis above and think it sounds interesting, let me save you 2+ hours and tell you it's not...

Rating: 1 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Colin Farrell, Christian Bale, Q'orianka Kilcher

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Rumor Has It - ACE Train Movie Review

Thirtysomething Sarah Huttinger, who has spent most of her adult life in New York City, is flying home to California with her long time boyfriend, Jeff Daly, for the wedding of her annoyingly perky younger sister, Annie. While Sarah and Jeff have recently announced they're engaged to be married, Sarah has been having second thoughts, and she isn't excited about the prospect of spending time with the family where she's always felt like the odd duck. As Sarah tries to decide what she should do with her personal and professional lives, she turns to her sharp-tongued and still youthful grandmother, Katharine, for advice, and Katharine shares a little-known bit of family history - that Sarah's now-deceased mother left her father, Earl, a few days before their wedding and ran off with another man for several days before coming back and marrying Earl. However, after hearing this Sarah is also treated to some long-simmering local gossip about a young man who ran off with a bride-to-be after he was seduced by her mother...and that the story became the basis for the hit movie The Graduate. Sarah begins to wonder, was Katharine the real-life Mrs. Robinson of this story? And if it's true, who was the man who had affairs with Sarah's mother and grandmother? Was it dashing and wealthy family friend Beau Burroughs, who has also turned Sarah's head?

This movie is pretty sick and twisted - not on purpose. Watching Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Costner getting up close and personal with each other is not my idea of fun - pretty gross actually. The fact that Kevin Costner's character slept with three generations of women (Aniston's character, her mom and grandmother) didn't help with the barf factor. Beyond that, the plot was OK - nothing special. I didn't think the characters responded to the situations put in front of them appropriately and the chemistry between the characters didn't work for me. Aniston hasn't had good luck with producing quality films and this one doesn't break the streak (Office Space is the only good movie she was in that I can think of - and she wasn't even a main character). Anyway, this is one to skip.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner, Shirley MacLaine, Mark Ruffalo, Mena Suvari

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

In Cold Blood - Book Review

In Cold Blood details the 1959 murders of Herbert Clutter, a wealthy farmer from Holcomb, Kansas; his wife, Bonnie; his 16-year-old daughter, Nancy; and his 15-year-old son, Kenyon, and the aftermath. Truman Capote said that he had created a new type of book, the non-fiction novel, by applying traditional literary conventions to crime reporting. Capote learned of the quadruple slaying from a news article in The New York Times. He decided to go to Kansas and write about the murders, even before the killers, Richard "Dick" Hickock and Perry Smith, were captured. He brought his childhood friend and fellow author Harper Lee with him. Together they interviewed the local residents and the investigators assigned to the case. Capote and Lee took thousands of pages of notes, and Capote spent years working on the book, finally publishing in January 1966.

This is a good book if you are really into details. Capote dug deep into the lives of the killers, the deceased, the investigators, the lawyers and several members of the community to write this very detailed account of not only the murders, but also the lives of those connected with the case. The result is almost an overly comprehensive book. I can truly appreciate the amount of time and work that went into researching and writing this book (and the originality in Capote's writing style), but it got a little tiring to read about seemingly inconsequential information related to people who were connected to the case in one way or another. In short, this book could have been 100 pages shorter and still been as interesting. Instead, it wasn't the page turner I was expecting as evidenced by the fact it took me about twice as long to read it than most of the other books I have recently read.

As a matter of fact, if you took out the 100 extraneous pages, you'd be left with a fascinating study into the minds of cold blooded killers. Capote had exclusive access to the killers while they were in prison and took full advantage of it by asking them about every facet of their lives from childhood to specific details of their crimes, including the murders. Of course, since In Cold Blood, there have been many books written in a similar style, but I give this one credit for being original despite its shortcomings. Even if you don't read the book, I would highly recommend the movie, Capote, based on the life of Truman Capote during the time he was writing this book.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I read it again: No

In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences
by Truman Capote
Hardcover: 410 pages
January 1966

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Last Holiday - ACE Train Movie Review

Georgia Byrd lives in New Orleans, where she works in the cookware department of an upscale gourmet supply shop. While Georgia has the hots for Sean, one of her co-workers, she doesn't have the nerve to tell him, and despite her impressive skills in the kitchen, she lives frugally and doesn't put her talent to use. Georgia's good friend Rochelle often tells her that life is short and she needs to live a little, but she doesn't pay her much mind until a visit to the doctor reveals that Georgia has a very rare medical condition, and only has three weeks to live. Throwing caution to the wind, Georgia cashes out her life savings and heads to Europe for a last bit of revelry. She checks into a four-star hotel, trades her drab clothes for haute couture, finds herself flirting with a handsome and powerful politician, convinces the head of a cooking supplies firm that she's a high-powered executive from a rival company, and makes friends with a four-star chef. But when Sean learns the truth about Georgia's condition, he sets out to find her before their chance at romance has passed.

The qualities I look for in a good movie are originality, entertainment value, mystery/plot twists and good acting. This film rated very low on the originality and mystery scales and average on the entertainment value and good acting scales. Most aspects of the plot have been done before and there were no surprises from beginning to end - you should be able to guess the ending about 15 minutes into it. This was really just an over the top, bittersweet, feel good movie that gets you thinking about how you would live your life if you knew you were going to die in the near future - hopefully, you'll actually achieve some of those things even though you don't have a terminal illness. So, the message is a good one, but the events that take place are just too unbelievable to achieve any semblance of realism. I would recommend this film if you're feeling down since it's a good pick-me-up, but if you're just looking for a good film to watch, skip it.

Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Queen Latifah, LL Cool J, Timothy Hutton, Gerard Depardieu, Jane Adams

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Hoodwinked - ACE Train Movie Review

Grizzly and Stork are a pair of critter cops who have been called to the homey bungalow of Granny to investigate a disturbance of the peace. It seems there was an altercation involving Granny, her granddaughter Little Red Riding Hood, a Big Bad Wolf, and a Woodsman. However, as the detectives interview the participants and get each individual's perspective, they learn that Granny isn't so helpless, Red may have been doing more than just visiting relatives, the Wolf isn't the predator he's been cracked up to be, and the Woodman doesn't have much of an intellectual advantage over the trees he chops down.

Definitely a kids movie. Don't get me wrong, the story was told in a very creative way - each character told their version of events and they all fit together and answered more and more questions as it went along. There were some funny play on words and the animation was clean and easy to watch. However, the plot wasn't exactly captivating and the choices for voices could have been better (Xzibit as a cop & Andy Dick as anything?!?). Kids would probably like the bold colors, quirky characters and easy to follow storyline, but there's not a whole lot to keep adults entertained - good thing it was only about 75 minutes.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Voices of Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, Patrick Warburton, Xzibit, Andy Dick

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Family Stone - ACE Train Movie Review

Everett Stone is a successful young businessman who is engaged to marry Meredith Morton, and has asked her to spend Christmas with his family. Meredith is more than a bit nervous about meeting Everett's folks, and things only get worse when they arrive - Meredith is by her nature straight-laced and a bit uptight around strangers, while Sybil and Kelly are free-thinkers who, except for Everett, have raised a family of cheerfully rebellious children, most notably younger daughter Amy, older brother Ben, and adopted sibling Thad. Meredith and the Stone family do not get along well at first, especially Sybil, who is appalled at the prospect of Everett giving Meredith the family's heirloom wedding ring; in dire need of moral support, Meredith asks her younger sister, Julie, to join her for Christmas with the Stones. However, the plan runs into a snag when Everett's head is turned by pretty Julie, and Meredith finds herself on the receiving end of attention from sloppy Ben.

Funny, awkward, crappy ending. The film started off very well and had me laughing out loud at the awkward and uncomfortable situations that took place. Sarah Jessica Parker played a great conservative character thrown in amongst a very free, liberal family - which caused the excruciatingly hilarious circumstances. All of the characters played off of each other very well and formed a believable family. All was well and good until the last portion of the film when the plot turned and became one unbelievable turn of events after another. There definitely could have been a better ending, but the one they chose knocked my rating down a full point. I would still recommend giving it a look since it was so funny and entertaining, but don't expect a great finish.

Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Sarah Jessica Parker, Dermot Mulroney, Luke Wilson, Diane Keaton, Craig T. Nelson, Claire Danes, Rachel McAdams

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Hostel - ACE Train Movie Review

Their carefree college days close behind and the responsibility of the real world looming ever closer, Josh, Paxton and Oli strap on their backpacks and prepare for a stratospheric last hurrah of booze, babes, drugs, and debauchery halfway across the globe. The three globe-trotting thrill seekers catch wind of a Slovakian city whose male population has dwindled as a result of civil strife - leaving the ladies ready and willing to accept any male companionship that might turn up at the local hostel. Upon check-in, the trio is greeted by a bevy of beautiful locals and is quickly convinced that the hedonistic hideaway is indeed the real deal. Hazily awakening the following morning to find no trace of backpacking buddy Oli, Paxton chalks his former traveling companion's disappearance up to capriciousness and prepares for another day of debauchery, despite Josh's rapidly elevating sense of unease. Now trapped defenselessly in a foreign land without any means of escape and no way of anticipating the unimaginable hell that lies ahead, the pair is plunged into a torturous netherworld where the screams of the damned fill the air with dread and the warm rays of the sun are little more than a fading memory.

This film had a big build up with a small payoff. It was fairly well rounded in that it had plenty of comedy, nudity and brutality. However, the ending wasn't a satisfying answer to the events leading up to it. I can guess that the writer came up with the idea that became the "answer" to this film (I don't want to ruin it for anyone who will actually watch it), but he didn't fully explore all that could have been done with that idea. Instead, it seems he filled the plot with lots of hot chicks, college-age debauchery and blood (not that I'm complaining) as a cover for not developing the plot into what could have been a truly terrifying psychological horror flick, instead of just a bloody mystery. The movie isn't as horrible as my rating indicates, but I was just so disappointed after having imagined what could have been - but wasn't.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Jay Hernandez, Derek Richardson, Eythor Gudjonsson

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

King Arthur - ACE Train Movie Review

This action adventure drama begins with the fall of the Roman Empire in 450 A.D. as Roman armies flee the British Isles. Arthur, a heroic knight and devoted Christian, is torn between his desire to travel to Rome to serve his faith and his loyalty to the land of his birth. As England falls into lawlessness, Arthur throws in his lot with a band of knights who hope to restore order to their fair and pleasant land and hopes to win freedom for his comrades, among them Lancelot, Galahad, Tristan, Gawain, Bors, and Dagonet. In time, Arthur and his men join forces with Merlin, a shaman whose band of renegade knights were often pitched in battle against Roman forces. Forming a united front as loyal Englishmen against the invading Saxon armies, Arthur, Merlin, and the brave and beautiful Guinevere are determined to unite a sovereign Britain under one army and one king.

I'm not too much into Knights and chivalry, but this was a pretty good flick. The acting was very convincing, the battle scenes were action packed and fairly graphic, the costumes were remarkably detailed and the scenery (including the castles) was impressive. Not having any experience with the "history" of this era, I had to pay close attention to who was saying what and where so I knew what was really happening in the bigger context of the film. Needless to say, it was a little tiring, but if you are into this sort of thing, it should satisfy your craving of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

Rating: 3 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Clive Owen, Keira Knightley, Ioan Gruffudd

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

We Got a Patio Cover!

It was actually put up on Monday, but I just got around to taking a picture. It's insulated aluminum and keeps the back side of the house noticeably cooler.
We love it!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

White Noise - ACE Train Movie Review

Divorced architect Jonathan Rivers seems to lead a pretty good life with partial custody of his young son and a happy second marriage to Anna, a best-selling author. Things take an ugly turn when Anna disappears during a thunderstorm, apparently the victim of a freak accident. Eventually, her body is found, and Jonathan sinks into despair. Then he meets Raymond, who claims that Anna has contacted him through EVP, or electronic voice phenomena. Raymond explains that the dead can communicate from beyond via static on common electronic equipment like radios and televisions. Jonathan is skeptical until he starts getting phone calls from Anna's inactive cell phone. He visits Raymond, whose home is filled with audio and video monitors and high-tech recording equipment. There he meets Sarah, who has recently received a farewell message from her late fiance. Jonathan eventually receives what appears to be a communication from Anna, but soon afterward, Raymond turns up dead. Obsessed with maintaining contact with his late wife, Jonathan visits a psychic who warns him that he's going down a dangerous path, "meddling" in the affairs of the dead. Undaunted, Jonathan continues to study EVP and eventually finds that he's getting messages from people who haven't died...yet.

Lame. The whole premise of this film is something I find very illogical and silly - that you can communicate with dead people through static on your TV and radio. Apparently, this is something that people actually believe as evidenced by the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena website - Yikes! Anyway, I couldn't get over the lame plot enough to really enjoy the movie. If you believe in the paranormal, you might enjoy it, but if not, don't bother.

Rating: 1.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Michael Keaton, Chandra West, Ian McNeice

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Domino - ACE Train Movie Review

Domino Harvey was the daughter of famed actor Lawrence Harvey who passed on when Domino was only eight years old. Domino's mother, former fashion model Paulette Stone, strove to give her daughter a comfortable life, but Domino was naturally rebellious, and after a contentious stint in boarding school, a brief career as a runway model and a fling with the fashion business, Domino was looking for something more exciting. She found it when she met Ed Mosbey, an ex-con who had gone on to a successful career as a bounty hunter. Ed also taught others how to join his profession, and Domino took his course and joined his team, along with Choco, a headstrong bail agent who took an immediate fancy to Domino. Domino, Ed and Choco became a successful team - successful enough that television producer Mark Heiss asked them to become the subject of a television reality series. However, it was after the cameras were turned on Domino that her life got truly crazy - bail bondsman Claremont Williams III had hired Domino and her friends for a risky case, and soon Domino, Ed and Choco were chasing missing men and money while landing in hot water with both the FBI and the Mafia.

Non-stop action! From beginning to end, this film is shot in such a way that there is something happening all the time and there is an uptempo music soundtrack to go along with all of the hustle and bustle. This 2 hour film felt like it zipped by because there was no down time. The topic is intriguing and based on a real person (the DVD extras have a 20 minute piece on the real Domino). The plot is over the top, but believable and is surprisingly funny - mostly at the expense of Ian Ziering and Brian Austin Green from Beverly Hills 90210. The actors are very convincing in their roles - even Keira Knightley who I was skeptical could pull of a bad-ass bounty hunter, but she held her own. If you're in the mood for an action flick, have a look at this one.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Keira Knightley, Mickey Rourke, Edgar Ramirez, Christopher Walken, Ian Ziering, Brian Austin Green, Lucy Liu

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.