Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry - ACE Train Movie Review

Chuck Levine and Larry Valentine are two New York City firefighters whose longtime friendship has endured many a five-alarm fire. All that widower Larry wants is to ensure that his two children will be taken care of if anything should happen to him on the job, and all that single blaze-battler Chuck wants is to carry on with his carefree life of non-commitment. Having once rescued Larry from certain death in a particularly fearsome inferno, beholden Chuck feels forever indebted to his brave friend and has vowed to repay the favor when the time is right. When Larry discovers that the only means of circumventing the civic red tape that could throw his children's futures into jeopardy is to take Chuck as his lawfully wedded husband, his obligated pal reluctantly agrees to step up to the alter with the understanding that the arrangement will be a well-kept secret between themselves and the justice of the peace. A potentially fatal flaw in their presumably foolproof plan is soon revealed, however, when an overzealous bureaucrat decides to question Chuck and Larry's partnership. Subsequently forced to embark on a mandatory honeymoon and pose as starry-eyed newlyweds, Chuck and Larry quickly discover just how important it can be to stick by a friend in his or her time of need.

Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame. I was really looking forward to watching this movie since the previews looked so funny. However, if you've seen the previews, you've already seen all the funny parts. I would have thought that Adam Sandler and Kevin James would have had better chemistry, but it seemed forced. Instead of creating a comedy, they seemed to just be making a political statement. Granted, I agree with gay rights and everything this film ended up standing for, but this wasn't supposed to be a "message" movie - it was supposed to be a freakin' comedy and it wasn't funny. Maybe Sandler has finally run out of funny material because he missed on a lot of his jokes. This movie is probably not as bad as I've rated it, but I was just very disappointed. Now I have to watch Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore to get the bad taste out of my mouth.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Jessica Biel

The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

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