Friday, September 29, 2006

Red Eye - Movie Review

Lisa Reisert is a young woman with more than her share of anxieties about flying. However, when circumstances demand she go to Miami, she gathers her nerves and books a seat on a late-night flight. Sitting next to her is a handsome and charming man named Jackson, whom she already met in the airport, but once their jet is safely in the air, Lisa discovers he's not the pleasant traveling companion she imagined. Jackson is part of a terrorist cell plotting to kill the head of Homeland Security, and he's decided to draft Lisa into helping him. While Lisa has no interest in abetting Jackson's plan, he soon reveals he's holding a trump card - his compatriots are holding Lisa's father hostage, and will kill him if she doesn't cooperate.

For a "Mystery & Suspense" film, there sure wasn't much mystery or suspense. From the beginning, there didn't even seem to be an attempt to throw you off the trail of what you think is going to happen. It's all laid out before you and just follows the track all the way to the end without derailing your expectations one bit. The fact that the terrorists never even mention why they are plotting to kill the head of Homeland Security makes it even more of a shallow film. The best part of the film is the "pen in the neck" scene. Other than that, it's a forgettable movie and a waste of 90 minutes - the fact that Colby from "Survivor: Australia" is main security guard for the head of Homeland Security speaks volumes.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy, Colby Donaldson

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachel McAdams is a hotty. That already gives this film a 2. And I'll give it another 1 point because it was at least original and you can only do so much on an airplane.

I also watched Cillian Murphy in Batman Begins after this movie. Unfortunately, I couldn't get this Red Eye character out of my head, so it ruined the other one.

But I digress . . . this movie is worthy of a 3 of 5 rating, and I'll probably watch it again sometime.