Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Ex - Movie Review

Tom is an aspiring chef whose wife Sofia has just quit her high-paying job to stay home with their new baby. When it becomes abundantly clear that they can no longer maintain their New York City lifestyle, the family picks up and moves to Sofia's hometown in Ohio, where Tom is hired to work at her father's ad agency. It is there that Tom meets Chip, the agency's wheelchair-bound golden boy, who also happened to have a one-night stand with Sofia while the two were cheerleaders in high school. Suddenly, Tom finds himself sabotaged by Chip at every step as the nefarious paraplegic schemes to steal Sofia from him and destroy any chance he might have of success at the agency.

This was an OK comedy. There were some really funny parts, but there were also some fairly boring sections. I like all the main actors from their previous projects and they had pretty good chemistry in this film, but there wasn't a magic spark that would make this movie a must see. It was really just a so-so comedy and wasn't much different than the majority of comedies out there. It was also very short, so the characters didn't have time to be fully developed and the plot was pretty weak. Overall, I'd say that if you like the actors, you might rent it and watch it once, but don't bother adding it to your permanent DVD collection.

Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Zach Braff, Amanda Peet, Jason Bateman

The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

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