Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The New World - ACE Train Movie Review

In 1607, British naval officer Captain Newport is leading the first expedition to the New World. One of the sailors accompanying Newport is Captain John Smith, who is valued for his skills as a fighter and a seaman, but also possesses a sharp temper and spends much of the voyage bound in chains because of disputes with his shipmates. When Newport and his men first set foot on the New World's soil, they have no idea what to expect, and are met by a handful of "naturals," as the British come to call the natives, who seem at once amused and puzzled by their visitors. Newport appoints Smith leader of a band ordered to explore the territory, and Powhatan, tribal leader of the natives, isn't sure what to make of the uninvited guests. When Powhatan decides the sailors are not going to leave of their own volition, he orders his warriors to attack them; several of the invaders are killed, but at the insistence of his daughter Pocahontas, the rest are spared, including Smith. Smith is one of the men left behind when Newport returns to England for supplies, and he soon becomes infatuated with the beautiful Pocahontas, and finds his edgy personality is soothed by the unspoiled beauty of this new land. At the same time, he is frequently at odds with the ugly and avaricious nature of his own people and their crude settlement. After Newport returns to the New World, Smith is sent home, and Pocahontas comes to believe that he is dead; when John Rolfe, who has established a tobacco plantation, asks Powhatan for Pocohontas' hand in marriage, he grants the request, and takes her back to England with him. When Smith finally returns to his beloved new land, he discovers the woman he loves is gone, and the British settlers and the "naturals" are on the verge of war.

There is a 15 letter word that perfectly describes this film: booooooooooring! If you're having trouble sleeping, pop this in and you're insomnia will be cured. It is sooooooo slooooooow mooooooving that you could walk away, make a sandwich, wash your car and still not miss anything. The only reason I gave it any stars at all is because the scenery is pretty nice, but the movie itself isn't worth watching. If you actually read the synopsis above and think it sounds interesting, let me save you 2+ hours and tell you it's not...

Rating: 1 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Colin Farrell, Christian Bale, Q'orianka Kilcher

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The good news is that the movie ends . . . eventually. Dave nailed this one too with his "boring" comment. I can't seem to describe this movie any other way. Not to mention, the story is a little hard to follow sometimes and it is impossible to figure out who is in charge of the colony at any given time. Not that it mattered any.

Rating: 1 of 5. Thankfully this was on HBO and I don't even have to attempt to sell it. How did this movie get a 3-star rating by the motion picture people? Yikes