Thursday, February 22, 2007

Babel - ACE Train Movie Review

Richard and Susan are a couple from the United States who have traveled to Morocco in Northern Africa on a vacation after the death of one of their children has sent Susan into a deep depression. Richard and Susan's other two children have been left in the care of Amelia, their housekeeper. Amelia is originally from Mexico, and her oldest son is getting married in Tijuana. Unable to find someone who can watch the kids, or to obtain permission to take the day off, Amelia takes the children with her as she travels across the border for the celebration. Around the same time, in Morocco a poor farmer buys a hunting rifle, and he gives it to his sons to scare off the predatory animals that have been thinning out their goat herd. The boys decide to test the weapon's range by shooting at a bus far away; the shot hits Susan in the shoulder, and soon she's bleeding severely, while police are convinced the attack is the work of terrorists.

If you liked "Crash," I think you'll like this film as well. Although it's not quite as good as Crash, it is definitely a complex film with many intersecting stories that require you to pay attention if you have any hope of following the nuances of what's happening. All of the actors do a great job of making you care for them and fear for the situations in which they find themselves. The end of the film ties up much of the loose ends, but it by no means wraps it in a pretty package as there are still many unanswered questions which you must create an answer for yourself. This is one of the few movies which I actually searched for more information about it after I was through watching. I'll definitely watch it again and would expect to catch some things I missed the first time around. I don't know if it's worth all of the Oscar buzz it's been receiving, but it is a high quality, complex film.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: Yes
Starring: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Gael Garcia Bernal

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

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