Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wolf Creek - ACE Train Movie Review

Ben, Lizzie, and Kristy are three friends who, after a night of celebratory drinking, hit the road for a trip to Wolf Creek National Park in Australia, where they plan to spend a week hiking and surfing. However, after a long day on foot, they make the unpleasant discovery that their car's battery is dead, leaving them stuck in the middle of nowhere. Help arrives in the form of Mick, a burly but good-natured outdoorsman who happens upon them; Mick tells them that he can fix their car, and offers to give them a ride to his place down the road. Grateful but a bit nervous around the gregarious stranger, Ben, Lizzie, and Kristy offer Mick a wealth of thanks for his help, and give him some money for his troubles before they fall asleep around the campfire. The next morning, the travelers find themselves bound, gagged, drugged, and separated from one another, and they realize Mick is not the good Samaritan they imagined.

Chock one up for the Wolf Creek marketing department - I rented this movie based on the scary cover, the big "Unrated Version" red text and the fact it said "Based on True Events". Unfortunately, the box was better than the movie. The film was mostly non-scary, I couldn't tell what they considered unrated (maybe some extra blood) and very little of it was based on true events according to this website. As a movie, it's suspenseful, but not thrilling and the ending was unsatisfying with a fake "where are they now" about characters that were made up. It's all been done before, so don't expect anything new or groundbreaking.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: John Jarratt, Nathan Phillips, Cassandra Magrath, Kestie Morassi

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

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