Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mt. Shasta Skiing - February 26, 2007

As it was time for our yearly Mt. Shasta ski trip, Dan and I drove up to our Dad's house in Cottonwood (South of Redding) on February 25th so we could hang out prior to skiing the next day. The weather was predicted to be pretty bad with cold temperatures, low visibility and lots of snow expected to fall. We decided to take our chances and drive to Mt. Shasta Ski Park on the 26th to see if we could brave the weather and get some runs in.

Dan, Dad, Tisha and I arrived on the slopes at 9:45am and sure enough, it was cold (low 30s), the visibility could have been better and it was snowing. However, the fact that it had been snowing for quite a while meant that there was tons of fresh powder to ski on. So, we bundled up and hit the slopes. Even though it snowed most of the day, it was just a light dusting, so it wasn't that annoying. The visibility was only a problem high on the mountain, so we stayed off of the top chair lift most of the day. The real payoff for braving the elements was awesome snow conditions as we had a fresh layer of powder each time we skiied down the mountain. All told, we made 20 runs in just over 5 hours and on several of them, we had the run just to ourselves - another benefit of questionable weather.

We had a total blast and were ready to do it again the next day (at least Dan and I were ready, not the old fogies :-) We got up on the 27th and started driving to the ski park, but as we got closer, it started snowing really hard and the visibility was getting less and less. We decided to turn around since the weather had really taken a turn for the worse and we didn't think it would have been a good day to be on the slopes. Instead, we spent the day hanging out at Dad's house, playing games and watching it hail and snow outside - I think we made the right decision. All in all, it was a fun trip and time well spent.

Oh, did I mention that the only one to take a fall on the hill was Dad? He did a very similar move to what Dan did last year - he fell while he was standing still. Who said skiing was the hard part :-) Until next time...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Prestige - Movie Review

Rupert Angier and Alfred Borden are London-based magicians of the highest order, both blessed with spectacular powers of deception and both cursed with unrelenting envy for one another's skills. When Alfred performs an awe-inspiring trick for which there seems no logical explanation, the friendly competition shared between the pair turns to deadly rivalry as the enraged Rupert determines to uncover his rival's deepest secrets. In the world of illusion, however, nothing is ever quite as it seems, and the rules of the physical world simply don't apply. Now, as bitter competition quickly begins to consume the souls of both performers, the firestorm birthed by their anger threatens to consume all who surround them.

Awesome film! This is one of those movies that, once you finish it, you'll want to watch it again. There is so much happening all of the time with lots of mystery surrounding many events, it's one puzzle after another that you're trying to solve. The plot is so smart and well thought out that you must pay very close attention to every detail as clues are hidden (in plain sight) everywhere. By the end, I realized that I had changed my mind multiple times with regards to what was really happening and who was behind it all. Like a great film, the very end brings surprises that completely change everything you have just seen - hence the need to watch it again. This is a must see.

Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: Yes
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, David Bowie

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm an Associate

"What is an Associate," you ask. It means that I have my own associate ID number, so when you purchase anything from and you use my link with my ID number attached, I get credit for referring you.

Here's my unique URL:

To make it easy, you can bookmark that URL and use it whenever you want to purchase anything from Once you enter using that URL, you can navigate anywhere on the website and it will remember that I referred you. What's in it for you? You'll have the satisfaction of knowing that, not only are you getting great deals by shopping on, but you have the added bonus of knowing that you're helping me get a referral credit.

So, bookmark my URL and have fun shopping!

The Barnyard - ACE Train Movie Review

Ben is a cow who for years has been the leader and sober voice of reason among the animals at a farm where the critters are a bit unusual - they can walk on two legs, talk, swim, and act like humans, though they have the good sense to avoid doing these things while humans are around. Ben has long dreamed that his son Otis would someday take over his duties on the farm, but Otis is a carefree and irresponsible type who would rather party with his friends and hang out with his girlfriend, Daisy. Ben and his friend Miles, a wise and patient mule, wonder if Otis will ever make anything of himself, while Daisy's best friend, Bessy, is convinced she can do better. However, one night Otis decides to do something about an obnoxious kid who enjoys tipping his fellow cows, and for the first time in his life he gets a taste of leadership - and he likes it.

This was a pretty entertaining and funny kids movie, but it wasn't as clever as some of the Disney films. The animation was very clean and the story was good in terms of the message it was trying to get across. I'm sure kids would laugh hard at some of the parts and there's enough to keep adults entertained as well. However, the plot was pretty thin which I suppose is good so young kids can follow along, but it's a little dull at times from an adult perspective. Overall, kids should get the final vote as to whether this is a must see, so I'd say give it a look and your kids might learn something about responsibility while being entertained at the same time.

Rating: 3 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Voices of Kevin James, Courteney Cox Arquette, Sam Elliott, Danny Glover, Wanda Sykes, Andie MacDowell

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Babel - ACE Train Movie Review

Richard and Susan are a couple from the United States who have traveled to Morocco in Northern Africa on a vacation after the death of one of their children has sent Susan into a deep depression. Richard and Susan's other two children have been left in the care of Amelia, their housekeeper. Amelia is originally from Mexico, and her oldest son is getting married in Tijuana. Unable to find someone who can watch the kids, or to obtain permission to take the day off, Amelia takes the children with her as she travels across the border for the celebration. Around the same time, in Morocco a poor farmer buys a hunting rifle, and he gives it to his sons to scare off the predatory animals that have been thinning out their goat herd. The boys decide to test the weapon's range by shooting at a bus far away; the shot hits Susan in the shoulder, and soon she's bleeding severely, while police are convinced the attack is the work of terrorists.

If you liked "Crash," I think you'll like this film as well. Although it's not quite as good as Crash, it is definitely a complex film with many intersecting stories that require you to pay attention if you have any hope of following the nuances of what's happening. All of the actors do a great job of making you care for them and fear for the situations in which they find themselves. The end of the film ties up much of the loose ends, but it by no means wraps it in a pretty package as there are still many unanswered questions which you must create an answer for yourself. This is one of the few movies which I actually searched for more information about it after I was through watching. I'll definitely watch it again and would expect to catch some things I missed the first time around. I don't know if it's worth all of the Oscar buzz it's been receiving, but it is a high quality, complex film.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: Yes
Starring: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Gael Garcia Bernal

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Take the Lead - ACE Train Movie Review

Pierre Dulaine is a prize-winning ballroom dancer and instructor from Manhattan who volunteers his services to a high school in one of the roughest neighborhoods in the Bronx. Principal Augustine James in turn gives Dulaine a tough assignment - a detention class with some of the biggest troublemakers on campus. When the kids learn that Dulaine intends to teach them how to dance in the classic style, they're incredulous at best and dismissive at worst - until Dulaine demonstrates his moves for the class. While Dulaine's charges - including Rock, LaRhette, Ramos, Eddie, and Sasha - respect his talent, they have their own way of dancing, and as they mix hip-hop moves with ballroom discipline, they create an exciting new style. Dulaine also strives to instill self-confidence and a work ethic in his kids, insisting they can make their way out of the ghetto if they're willing to try.

I wasn't sure what to expect with this film, but I had fairly high hopes since it was based on a true story and reminded me a little of "Dangerous Minds" (true story of a teacher making a difference with inner-city kids). However, while it was an uplifting story, it wasn't as fun to watch as I had hoped. The plot was completely predictable and a little goofy and over the top at times (hip-hop dancing at a ballroom dancing competition, seriously?) Anyway, the dancing was pretty good once the students improved, but was a little hard to watch at the beginning. Antonio Banderas did a good job portraying Pierre Dulaine - there's a nice story of the real person in the special features. Overall, I think I would have liked the movie better had it been a documentary.

Rating: 3 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Antonio Banderas, Rob Brown, Yaya DeCosta

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Catch a Fire - ACE Train Movie Review

In the 1980s, Patrick and his wife Precious lived a peaceful life until one fateful day, when on an overnight trip with his team, Patrick is singled out as the prime suspect in a bombing at the refinery. Placed in solitary confinement, with his wife and family brutalized by government agent Nic Vos, the young family man is eventually cleared of charges, but his life is in shambles. Devastated and distraught, Patrick soon begins working as a rebel fighter and political operative for Nelson Mandela's African National Congress. As the oppressed country's powerful apartheid regime continues to torture and torment its citizens, the now-radicalized Patrick must disappear from his family without a trace and go undercover if he is to aid in toppling the system that destroyed his family, and forever changed his outlook on the world.

This was a pretty good film especially since it was based on a true story, but it could have been better. The topic is a powerful and controversial one and I don't think the film really did it justice. It would have been better if it would have explained the overall apartheid regime a little more instead of just focusing on one particular person (Patrick). However, this made it a little more personal since you could see the affect that apartheid had on Patrick - it changed his whole view on life and determined his actions. The final scene in the movie was with the real Patrick which made me think there would be a special feature with a full interview. However, there wasn't one which was a big disappointment. Overall, it was a pretty interesting and sad story, but nothing groundbreaking.

Rating: 3 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Tim Robbins, Derek Luke, Bonnie Henna

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Departed - ACE Train Movie Review

As the police force attempts to reign in the increasingly powerful Irish mafia, authorities are faced with the prospect of sending in an undercover agent or seeing their already frail grip on the criminal underworld slip even further. Billy Costigan is a young cop looking to make a name for himself in the world of law enforcement. Collin Sullivan is a street-smart criminal who has successfully infiltrated the police department with the sole intention of reporting their every move to ruthless syndicate head Frank Costello. When Costigan is assigned the task of working his way into Costello's tightly guarded inner circle, Sullivan is faced with the responsibility of rooting out the informer before things get out of hand. With the stakes constantly rising and time quickly running out for the undercover cop and his criminal counterpart, each man must work feverishly to reveal his counterpart before his identity is exposed by the other.

This is a very complex film where everything is not all that it appears. There are so many great characters (and good actors) who are part of the story that you have to pay attention to take them all in. Trying to figure out who are the good guys and who are the bad guys isn't as easy as it sounds either. This is one of the few films which has a cast of big name stars and is actually good - it deserves all the positive attention it has received. The plot is very well thought out and culminates in a pretty shocking ending that will make you want to watch it again since there are inevitably some things you missed during the first viewing.

Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: Yes
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Flags of Our Fathers - ACE Train Movie Review

Flags of Our Fathers concerns the lives of the men in the famous picture of soldiers raising the American flag over Iwo Jima during that historic WWII battle. Battle scenes are intercut with footage of three of the soldiers who survived the battle going on a goodwill tour of the United States in order to sell war bonds. Many evenings they are forced to reenact their famous pose, something each of them finds more and more difficult to do as they suffer from survivor's guilt.

This is a film about World War II, but it's told from a different perspective. Instead of focusing on the war and all the killing that happened (of course it included some of that), it followed the lives of three surviving servicemen (out of six) who raised the flag on Iwo Jima - here's the picture. It's the most famous image from that war and I found it interesting to learn more about the men behind the flag raising. Who knew there were two flags raised and that's the photo from the second one. That's just one of the many interesting tidbits you'll learn from watching the film. Recommended for those interested in war and/or history. It's over 2 hours long, but it's so interesting, it goes by very quick.

Rating: 4 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: Yes
Starring: Ryan Phillippe, Jesse Bradford, Adam Beach

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Pianist - ACE Train Movie Review

Wladyslaw Szpilman is a gifted classical pianist born to a wealthy Jewish family in Poland. While Wladyslaw and his family are aware of the looming presence of German forces and Hitler's designs on Poland, they're convinced that the Nazis are a menace which will pass, and that England and France will step forward to aid Poland in the event of a real crisis. Wladyslaw's naivete is shattered when a German bomb rips through a radio studio while he performs a recital for broadcast. During the early stages of the Nazi occupation, as a respected artist, he still imagines himself above the danger, using his pull to obtain employment papers for his father and landing a supposedly safe job playing piano in a restaurant. But as the German grip tightens upon Poland, Wladyslaw and his family are selected for deportation to a Nazi concentration camp. Refusing to face a certain death, Wladyslaw goes into hiding in a comfortable apartment provided by a friend. However, when his benefactor goes missing, Wladyslaw is left to fend for himself and he spends the next several years dashing from one abandoned home to another, desperate to avoid capture by German occupation troops.

Wow, what an intense, powerful, sad and inspiring film. The Holocaust was a horrific period of time and it was captured very vividly in this movie. While I don't think it was as good at capturing the raw emotion (and violence) like Schindler's List, it was a very emotional film. Of course, not having lived through the experience myself, I can only imagine the horrors that Jews faced during that period, but the film makes you feel like you're there. This film does provide a glimmer of hope and promise in the form of the pianist who is followed throughout. He lives through some pretty brutal experiences, but never loses his will to live and return to doing what he loves. The best part is that this movie is based on a true story (good in the sense that someone survived to tell their tale) and taken from the memoirs of the real Wladyslaw Szpilman. Tough to watch, but a must see.

Rating: 4 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: Yes
Starring: Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann, Frank Finlay

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Friday, February 09, 2007

X-Men 3: The Last Stand - ACE Train Movie Review

A "cure" for mutancy threatens to alter the course of history. For the first time, mutants have a choice: retain their uniqueness, though it isolates and alienates them, or give up their powers and become human. The opposing viewpoints of mutant leaders Charles Xavier, who preaches tolerance, and Magneto, who believes in the survival of the fittest, are put to the ultimate test - triggering the war to end all wars.

Picking up the action where X-Men 2 film left off, this third and final film in the trilogy didn't disappoint. I still think X-Men 2 was a little better, but X-Men 3 was right up there. There was lots of action and plenty of cool special effects (moving the Golden Gate Bridge to connect with Alcatraz was a trip). The ending was satisfying, although they left it open enough to do a spin-off if they wanted. One thing I really didn't get was the point of Kelsey Grammer's character - he was a big, blue beast. I kept waiting for his to do something to necessitate him being in the movie (especially since he wasn't in the first two), but nothing ever really materialized. Other than that, I enjoyed watching the trilogy and rank it as one of the better comic book inspired films.

Rating: 3 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Kelsey Grammer, Rebecca Romijn

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Flyboys - ACE Train Movie Review

As World War I rages in Europe and Allied forces in France, Italy, and England find their resolve quickly diminishing due to the overwhelming force of the German juggernaut, a handful of brave American soldiers volunteer to join their French counterparts in learning to fly and fighting for freedom from above. Few could have foreseen the challenges faced by the world's first fighter pilots, however, and upon arriving at their aerodrome in France, the aspiring aviators are assigned to a new squadron under the command of war-ravaged Captain Thenault and battle-weary American pilot Reed Cassidy - the sole survivor of his devastated former air brigade. With little encouragement from their fellow aviators and nothing to drive but their unifying goal of taking to the skies and offering up their lives in the name of freedom, the determined airmen of the Lafayette Escadrille set out to make history by embarking on the adventure of a lifetime.

I typically look favorably at movies that are based a true story and this is no different. The bravery that the men who piloted these planes during the war exhibited was truly something to envy. The film itself had a good balance of action, drama and romance that can appeal to almost anyone. There are plenty of interesting characters and sub-plots that this 2+ hour film rarely gets dull. The action scenes in the air are fun and terrifying to watch knowing that aeronautics were in their infancy and the pilots were really flying the planes at their limits. It doesn't really have the latest in special effects, but it's very powerful none the less. It's worth a look.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: James Franco, Jennifer Decker, Tyler Labine

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Unknown - ACE Train Movie Review

A group of men are kidnapped and locked in a warehouse where a chemical accident causes them to lose their memories. Piecing together information around them, they realize that some were kidnapped and some were the kidnappers. They decide they must work together to figure out how to get away before the gang that captured them returns.

This film is a poor man's Saw except that Saw is much more intense, well thought out and has layers of drama that are uncovered as the movie progresses. There are some twists in this movie that are surprising, but it mostly consists of a group of guys trapped in a warehouse, trying to figure out how they got there, who they are and how they can escape. They each start to remember some things as the film goes along which begins to create some action, but the premise of a gas temporarily erasing their memory is pretty lame. I might have been a little harsh with the rating, but I would suggest skipping this one and watching Saw which is a wickedly awesome movie.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: James Caviezel, Greg Kinnear, Joe Pantoliano

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Employee of the Month - ACE Train Movie Review

Zack Bradley and Vince Downey have been working at the cavernous Super Club for ten years and counting, but while the ambitious Vince has advanced to the position of head cashier and landed 17 consecutive "E of M" awards, laid-back Zack is content to simply sit back and enjoy the company of his fellow box boys. Longtime rivals whose conflicting attitudes as to what constitutes success has led to more than a few conflicts, Vince and Zack find their bitter battle for Super Club supremacy coming to a head when attractive new employee Amy transfers over from another store. When word quickly spreads that Amy only has eyes for the cream of the crop, slacker Zack attempts to clean up his act and break free from his box boy roots while uptight Vince tries to impress by maintaining his top dog position and keep cool in the face of competition.

Yes, the plot sounds dumb and Jessica Simpson is one of the main characters, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. And judging by my rating, you can see what my expectations were. There were actually some very funny scenes. Now, I'll be clear and say that in no way was this a good movie, but it was entertaining. I like Dane Cook and he puts on a good performance although it's not the over-the-top, physical humor I'm used to seeing him do on comedy specials - he's controlled and sticks to the character. Andy Dick isn't as annoying as he usually is and Jessica Simpson isn't really one of the main characters, so she doesn't have much time to be annoying. If you're in the mood for a silly comedy, this should foot the bill.

Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Dane Cook, Jessica Simpson, Dax Shepard, Andy Dick, Harland Williams, Tim Bagley

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

SJ Stealth vs. Calgary Roughnecks - 2/3/07

While attending the Stealth game last week, we were told that all tickets to this game were $10, regardless of where you sat. Since we were going to the Sharks game earlier in the day, we figured we would make a day of it and attend the Stealth game as well. We went to the box office during halftime and Dan, Kelley and I got front row seats for $10 each.

When we got to the arena and made our way to the glass, I was excited to be that close to the action - then the game started... It became apparent early on why they were "giving away" tickets to the game. The Stealth are a really bad team and were outscored 5-0 in the first quarter while taking 7 penalties. The Stealth scored the first goal of the second period, but Calgary kept pouring it on and ended up outscoring the stealth in the quarter 4-3 to give them an overall lead of 9-3.

Halftime seemed to be a welcome break as the Stealh came out in the third quarter to outscore Calgary 4-2 to close the overall gap 11-7. However, it seemed to be too little, too late as Calgary and San Jose each scored 4 goals in the fourth quarter to make the final score 15-11 in favor of Calgary.

Overall, it was a very sloppy game and there were 33 penalties called (17 for Calgary and 16 for San Jose) which made it not a fun game to watch since there were so many stoppages, there weren't many exciting rallies. The most entertaining part of the game was the guy sitting behind us who kept razzing Tracey Kelusky who was just a random player he chose to pick on ("You suck Kelusky" and "You smell bad Kelusky" and "You're hurting your team Kelusky"). Then, when Kelusky was right in front of us waiting for the faceoff, Dan yelled, "Don't you wish your boyfriend was hot like me." Kelusky turned, looked at Dan and smiled. He didn't care because he knew what the score was and so did we...

Score: L 15-11
1st Quarter
Calgary - Scott Ranger (powerplay) (Tracey Kelusky, Shawn Cable) 2:44
Calgary - Tracey Kelusky (powerplay) (Kaleb Toth, Scott Ranger) 3:36
Calgary - Tracey Kelusky (powerplay) (Kaleb Toth, Kyle Goundrey) 10:55
Calgary - Kaleb Toth (Devan Wray, New Player) 12:03
Calgary - Kaleb Toth (shorthanded) (Andrew McBride) 12:59
2nd Quarter
San Jose - Luke Wiles (unassisted) 1:04
Calgary - Tracey Kelusky (Kyle Goundrey, Lewis Ratcliff) 2:05
Calgary - Kaleb Toth (unassisted) 3:00
San Jose - Kyle Sorensen (Darren Halls) 3:45
Calgary - Scott Ranger (powerplay) (Lewis Ratcliff, Kaleb Toth) 5:08
Calgary - Kyle Goundrey (Kerry Susheski, Shawn Cable) 8:29
San Jose - Gary Rosyski (powerplay) (Colin Doyle, Cam Sedgwick) 14:19
3rd Quarter
San Jose - Luke Wiles (Gary Rosyski, Cam Sedgwick) 2:19
Calgary - Lewis Ratcliff (Kaleb Toth, Kerry Susheski) 8:12
San Jose - Ian Hawksbee (Aaron Bold) 9:48
San Jose - Colin Doyle (powerplay) (Gary Rosyski, Luke Wiles) 11:16
San Jose - Jeff Zywicki (powerplay) (Colin Doyle, Gary Rosyski) 13:05
Calgary - Jeff Moleski (shorthanded) (unassisted) 13:37
4th Quarter
Calgary - Devan Wray (shorthanded) (unassisted) 1:45
Calgary - Lewis Ratcliff (unassisted) 2:45
Calgary - Kaleb Toth (Kyle Goundrey, Lewis Ratcliff) 4:20
San Jose - Jeff Zywicki (extra attacker) (Luke Wiles, Gary Rosyski) 7:15
Calgary - Lewis Ratcliff (Kyle Goundrey) 8:19
San Jose - Jeff Zywicki (powerplay) (Cam Sedgwick, Colin Doyle) 8:54
San Jose - Kyle Sorensen (shorthanded) (Aaron Bold) 12:32
San Jose - Callum Crawford (unassisted) 14:54

San Jose SOG: 47
Calgary SOG: 46
Winning Goalie: Andrew Leyshon
Losing Goalie: Aaron Bold

Tickets: Section 106 Row 1

SJ Sharks vs. Chicago Blackhawks - 2/3/07

This was a "family 4 pack" game which meant you had to buy tickets in increments of 4 and they included a hot dog, soda and bag of chips at a discounted price. I went to the game with Dan, Kelley and Andrew. This was Andrew's first Sharks game and Dan wanted to take him to a day game since he didn't know if Andrew would be able to stay awake for a night game (he proved that he could when we took him to the Stealth game last weekend).

The game started on the wrong foot as the Sharks were called for a penalty just 38 seconds in. However, they made the most of a bad situation when Marcel Goc scored a shorthanded goal (assisted by the goalie, Toskala) to put the Sharks up 1-0. Seven minutes later, the Blackhawks tied it up when Tuomo Ruutu slipped one past Toskala. The score remained tied until just over 1 minute left in the first period when Curtis Brown scored a goal for the Sharks that was again assisted by Toskala which made him the first sharks goaltender to register 2 assists in one game.

The second period featured alternating goals 3 1/2 minutes apart as Martin Havlat scored for Chicago to tie it up and Patrick Marleau scored for the Sharks to put them up for good. The third period was uneventful as the Sharks only registered 6 shots, although one of them went in for Milan Michalek to make the final score 4-2. Other than the third period, the Sharks dominated the game and ended up out-shooting Chicago 31-22. The biggest disappointment was the fact that the Sharks couldn't score on the power play, going 0 for 6 and it looks like they won't be leading the NHL in that category if they keep it up.

Overall, the game itself wasn't as entertaining as watching Andrew's reaction. He pretty much knew what was going on since he has watched hockey on TV, so he was able to follow the puck and cheer when the Sharks scored. His favorite part of the game, however, was when the Sharks went on the power play and he was able to do the chomp - and with 6 power plays, we did a lot of chomping (The "chomp" is a gesture made by extending the arms in front of the body and, with fingers bent, moving the arms up and down to imitate the jaws of a shark). Hey, that's fun for a 4 year old :-)

Score: W 4-2
1st Period
SJ - Marcel Goc(SH) (Patrick Rissmiller, Vesa Toskala)
Blackhawks - Tuomo Ruutu (Patrick Sharp, James Wisniewski)
SJ - Curtis Brown (Scott Hannan, Vesa Toskala)
2nd Period
Blackhawks - Martin Havlat (Tuomo Ruutu, Bryan Smolinski)
SJ - Patrick Marleau (Ryane Clowe, Joe Thornton)
3rd Period
SJ - Milan Michalek (Jonathan Cheechoo)

SJ SOG: 31
Red Wings SOG: 22
Winning Goalie: Vesa Toskala
Losing Goalie: Nikolai Khabibulin

Tickets: Section 227 Row 6

Friday, February 02, 2007

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Book Review

Christopher Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capital cities and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions, and cannot stand to be touched. Gifted with a superbly logical brain, Christopher is autistic. Everyday interactions and admonishments have little meaning for him. "I do not always do what I'm told," he admits. "And this is because when people tell you what to do it is usually confusing and does not make sense. For example, people often say 'Be quiet' but they don't tell you how long to be quiet for..."

At fifteen, Christopher's carefully constructed world falls apart when he finds his neighbor's dog, Wellington, impaled on a garden fork and is initially blamed for the killing. Christopher decides that he will track down the real killer and turns to his favorite fictional character, the impeccably logical Sherlock Holmes, for inspiration. But the investigation leads him down some unexpected paths and ultimately brings him face to face with the dissolution of his parents' marriage. As Christopher tries to deal with this crisis within his own family, the narrative draws readers into the mysterious workings of Christopher's mind.

If you've ever wondered how an autistic savant's mind works (I'm sure you probably haven't), here's your chance to find out. It's actually pretty fascinating to read a book written through the eyes of someone who's mind works completely different than your own (to be clear, it's written by an author who has worked with autistic kids, but isn't autistic himself). If you've ever thought you were perceptive, reading this book makes you realize there are so many details of things that are around us which we never notice. Of course, our minds would overload if we paid that close of attention to everything which is why people with autism can't "handle" that much stimulation.

Since the narrator/main character of the book is an autistic 15 year old boy, the language used is very basic and easy to understand. Therefore, it's a quick read and is laid out very logically. However, it's a surprisingly multi-layered story and has many twists and turns which keeps it interesting throughout. If you're looking for something that's completely original, easy to read, full of entertaining adventures and leaves you with a new perspective of the world, I'd recommend picking this one up.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I read it again: No

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
by Mark Haddon
Hardcover: 226 pages
Released: 2002

X2: X-Men United - ACE Train Movie Review

When a failed assassination attempt occurs on the President's life by the teleporting mutant Nightcrawler, Professor Xavier and his School for Gifted Youngsters who are targeted for the crime. While Jean Grey and Storm try and locate the assassin, Cyclops and Xavier seek answers from their old foe Magneto in his glass cell. Little do they know they're walking into a trap set by the villainous William Stryker, a mysterious governmental figure that figures into Wolverine's secretive past, along with information about the X-Men's operation, supplied by Magneto through a mind-controlling agent. Meanwhile Wolverine, just home from a failed mission to regain his memory, is in charge of the students when a crack-commando team led by Stryker infiltrates the school by order of the President. With a mansion full of young, powerful mutants and the ferocious Wolverine in babysitter mode, can he defend the school against the one man who can answer his questions?

This is a good sequel to X-Men. It has a lot more action than the first movie since they didn't have to spend time introducing the characters and explaining the back story. The film just starts right into the action and keeps going up to the final scene setting up the third and final installment which I'm looking forward to watching next week. The special effects were cool and the conflict between the mutants and humans provides the platform for an apocalyptic struggle that's fascinating to watch. If I had to pick a side, I'm not sure who I'd vote for. I suppose it's similar to a political debate on a grander scale (even though I know it's just a movie :-), but it's sure fun to watch.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Rebecca Romijn

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.