Friday, March 30, 2007

Idiocracy - ACE Train Movie Review

In 2005, Pvt. Joe Bowers is a soldier chosen to take part in a secret military scientific experiment in which he will be put into induced hibernation for one year, along with a woman named Rita. Bowers is chosen for the assignment because he is statistically the most average man in the Army, while Rita is a hooker ordered to do some community service; however, Bowers and Rita are forgotten when the military base where the experiment took place is closed down, and when they wake up in the year 2505, Bowers finds himself living in a society where intelligence has taken such a landslide he's now the smartest man in the world. Can Bowers save America from its own remarkable stupidity, and he can he get the dunderheads around him to believe what he says?

The title says it all. This is an idiotic and horribly bad film. It's ironic that one of the main themes of this movie is the completely mindless television shows that people watch in the future - this film would fit right in. The first 2 minutes contained the only slightly entertaining part (a description of how people with low IQs reproduce at a much higher rate than people with high IQs). Once they set that scene, it was all down hill. I actually fast-forwarded though a couple of the slow parts (there were many) because I can't bring myself to actually turn off a movie without finishing it, although I was very close with this one. Don't waste your time.

Rating: 1 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Flushed Away - ACE Train Movie Review

Roddy was living the high life when he first met Sid the sewer rat, but that's all about to change when Sid decides to send the hapless mouse down the pipes and stealthily take his place in the lap of luxury. Though the bustling sewer city of Ratropolis isn't without its fair share of kind citizens, it is certainly no place for a pampered mouse with a taste for life's finer things. Upon making the acquaintance of scavenger rat Rita, Roddy is certain that the pair can navigate their way back to the surface in Rita's trusty boat, the Jammy Dodger, but Rita's help doesn't come cheap, and the nefarious Toad is determined to rid Ratropolis of all things rodent.

This was a very entertaining and funny animated film. There seems to have been a series of disappointing animated features recently, but this bucks the trend. The story was original, the animation was clean and pleasing to the eye, the plot progressed quickly which meant it never got boring and it was actually funny (I loved the little slugs). This is one I enjoyed without kids, but I'm sure kids would love it even more and there's even a nice message of good triumphing over evil to go with the silly antics.

Rating: 4 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Voices of Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Jean Reno

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Pursuit of Happyness - ACE Train Movie Review

Set in early-'80s San Francisco, the film charts the hard times and eventual comeback of Chris Gardner, a suddenly single salesman who has custody of his son, but finds that providing for the two of them is a challenge in the increasingly unstable economic climate. He struggles to work his way from unpaid intern at Dean Witter to something more substantial, even as life continues to offer him setbacks.

Overall, this was a good film with a great message. However, most of the film was pretty depressing. I mean, the guy couldn't catch a break despite working hard to do all the right things for him and his family. It wasn't until the very end of the film that things started looking up. So, if you can handle 2 hours of depressing circumstances, this really is an amazing true life story of overcoming obstacles and shows that "keeping your eye on the prize" can really pay off. The special features include an interview with the real Chris Gardner where he talks about his story and validates the authenticity of most of the scenes in the movie. Definitely worth a look.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Will Smith, Jaden Christopher Syre Smith, Thandie Newton

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Descent - ACE Train Movie Review

After suffering a devastating car crash one year before, Sarah is lured to the States with her friend Beth to a special spelunking trip by the fearless Juno, who abruptly fled from the U.K. after Sarah's accident. Along with two old friends and a new acquaintance of Juno's, the group embark on a cave expedition that takes a turn for the worse after a rock fall leaves them stranded in an uncharted cave with no map and only a handful of supplies to last them the rest of the trip. As tensions arise in the group, they are faced with another danger - one whose love of the dark is as strong as its lust for blood.

If you've seen The Cave, then whatever you thought about that film will probably be the same as what you'll think of this one. The plots are very similar which isn't necessarily a good thing. Personally, I thought The Cave was horribly bad and this one was a bit better, but still not a good film. The acting, special effects and storyline were just so-so. There were a couple scary/shocking scenes, but it was mostly full of build up without reward. It trades a good plot for gore, which isn't a good exchange - there's only so many times you can see an ice axe stabbing a "crawler" before it gets old.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Shauna MacDonald, Natalie Mendoza, Alex Reid

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Blood Diamond - ACE Train Movie Review

Ripped from his family farm and forced to toil away in the sweltering South African diamond fields, Solomon Vandy discovered an extraordinary rough stone of immeasurable value. Danny Archer is a hired gun who specializes in the sale of so-called "blood diamonds" that are used to finance rebellions and terrorist organizations, and is currently serving time for smuggling. As a bloody civil war rages in Sierra Leone and Archer learns that Vandy has safely hidden the diamond in a place where no one would ever suspect, the pair enlist the aid of disillusioned American journalist Maddy Bowen in recovering the treasure that has the power to save Vandy's family and provide the desperate Archer with a much-needed chance for redemption.

This was a very good film. It had action, drama, guns, explosions, airplanes, helicopters, missiles, blood, amputations - everything that makes for a must see. Seriously, it kept me on the edge of my seat and held my interest the entire time. While the film wasn't based on a specific true event, the overall topic and general conflict was real (and continues to be, to a lesser extent). The "realness" of the movie makes it more interesting and sickening at the same time. It's a story that needed to be told and was done so in the best possible way. My only disappointment was that there weren't any special features that showed the real Sierra Leone or the people affected by the real conflict. Oh well, I suppose the movie was real enough.

Rating: 4 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: Yes
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, Djimon Hounsou

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Friday, March 23, 2007

All the King's Men - ACE Train Movie Review

Willie Stark is a man of the people, and for the people; at least that's what he tells the people. Propelled into a race for governor by opposing forces looking to split the "hick vote," Stark is convinced by a handler - as well as by young journalist Jack Burden - to not pander to the powers that be. His rhetoric grows fiery, and he makes his way into office on a not-so-solid foundation of social-service promises. When idealism gives way to the harsh realities of the time, however, the fast-talking politico is quick to discover just how far one can fall when ambition and power lead to a betrayal of one's original motivations.

Booorrring! It's not that this was a particularly bad movie, the topic was just not interesting to me. The actors did a great job, but the story was dull and slow to progress. Sean Penn's character was quite an eccentric individual and stirred up a lot of drama, but not enough to make the movie engaging. Politics isn't something that I think of as exciting, so sitting through a 2 hour movie about a Louisiana political rivalry probably wasn't the best thing I could have done. That being said, it actually started getting a little interesting toward the end, but then it ended.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Sean Penn, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Mark Ruffalo, James Gandolfini

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sublime - ACE Train Movie Review

Family man George Grieves checks into Mt. Abadon Hospital for a routine procedure. When he awakens from his anesthesia, something is terribly wrong, with George, with the hospital and especially with the shuttered East Ward, an eerie lair of secrets, sex and surgical terrors.

This is a pretty gruesome and confusing film. It caught my eye because I used to watch Tom Cavanagh in the television shows "Ed" and "Love Monkey." However, this film is nothing like those shows. It starts off normal enough, but once Tom's character enters the hospital, everything changes and the confusion and torture begins. It's not until the last 15 minutes that you realize what has been going on and it makes more sense. The journey to get to the end is really not worth it and it's a painfully slow moving movie. Definitely not a must see.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Tom Cavanagh, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, Kathleen York

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Holiday - ACE Train Movie Review

After each suffers her fair share of romantic disappointments, Englishwoman Iris and L.A. woman Amanda meet on-line at a website devoted to helping people exchange houses for vacations. Each agrees to spend the Christmas holiday at the other's home. While each suffers from a minor case of culture shock, both women also end up becoming involved with a man. Iris makes the acquaintance of an upbeat everyman, while Amanda spends time with a handsome Brit. Both women must decide what to do with these new relationships as their pre-arranged house switch is scheduled to last less than two weeks.

As far as romantic comedies go, this was a great film. I'm not usually into the sappy chick flicks, which I thought this was going to be. However, I was pleasantly surprised that the plot was more than just about women who were wounded by bad relationships trying to find a good guy. There were several sub-plots that added real meat to the story and kept it interesting (and funny, too). The fact that a bunch of big name actors appeared in this film, which seems to be a recipe for disaster for most films, worked well in this one. The chemistry between all of the characters was smooth and appeared very natural which made it easy to watch and believe. This is definitely a film worth a look.

Rating: 4 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jack Black

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Winkie - Book Review

Winkie is about a teddy bear of the same name that is accused of terrorism. As the book opens, Winkie is all alone, having lost his child, in the lonely cabin of a now-dead professor. But one night, a swat team visits the cabin, takes him into custody, and arrests him on over nine thousand charges including terrorism, treason, “corrupting the youth of Athens,” teaching evolution, and being a witch.

As the novel progresses, the reader goes through the daily indignities that Winkie suffers such as a corrupt prison system and cruel jailers. On the way Winkie meets friends such as Francoise, a lesbian Muslim cleaning woman and his stuttering lawyer, Charles Unwin. The book also delves deeply into Winkie's past; his life living with the many generations of the Chase family (including Clifford, the author of the novel) and finally gaining sentience and moving out on his own into the wild.

Needless to say, a book about a teddy bear who comes to life and is arrested for horrible crimes that he may, or may not, have committed is definitely one of the strangest novels I have ever read. As kids, we have all pretended that inanimate objects were real and had personalities and were able to interact with us. Clifford Chase takes this to another level and creates an entire history for his bear, complete with emotions and thoughts about various events throughout the bear's life. On top of that, he puts the seemingly innocent bear in the position of being arrested and sent to jail while going through a trial for thousands of crimes that he is accused of committing.

After reading the synopsis of the book, it sounded very strange, but also appealing as I figured it would be full of action and imagination. However, it was mostly pretty boring. The majority of the book focused on Winkie's mundane life while sitting on a shelf, hoping to be picked up and played with or hugged - not a real page turner. When the trial started, I figured the action would pick up, but it didn't. It ended just like it started - slow and full of strange events that were never really explained. Overall, I liked the concept and originality of the book, but it was relatively mundane in its execution.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I read it again: No

by Clifford Chase
Hardcover: 236 pages
Released: 2006

Friday, March 16, 2007

Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny - ACE Train Movie Review

JB is a Midwesterner whose strict Christian parents view his burning passion for heavy metal as a mortal sin. After his dad tears down every poster in his bedroom except for a Ronnie James Dio poster on the back of the door, the former Black Sabbath frontman instructs the aspiring young rocker to seek out his fortune no matter what the cost. Subsequently setting his sights on Hollywood and hellbent to take the world of rock music by storm, JB sneaks out his bedroom window and makes his way to Venice Beach, where he soon meets guitar-strumming slacker KG. With a future of rock & roll superstardom now well within their reach, JB and KG harness the power of Satan to form hellfire hard rock duo Tenacious D and set out on a quest to achieve musical immortality by stealing the mythical guitar pick said to instill its owner with unprecedented musical prowess.

Jack Black is a talented guy. He wrote, produced and performed, not only the film, but also the music used in the film. If this was an independent film that was made to show off his talent, I would say it was a masterpiece. However, this was a major motion picture, so compared to other feature films, it was a dud. As usual for a Jack Black movie, there were some very good and funny parts and some very dumb and silly parts. The fact that he got Meat Loaf, Ronnie James Dio and Dave Grohl to perform in the film speaks volumes (both good and bad). It had too much profanity for a kids film and not enough real substance for an adult film, so I'm not sure who would like this film beyond the stoner/wasted segment of the population.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Jack Black, Kyle Gass, JR Reed

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My Super Ex-Girlfriend - ACE Train Movie Review

Matt Saunders was looking for love when he first met pretty brunette Jenny Johnson, and at the time it seemed as if he may had finally actually found it. Jenny isn't just your typical girl, though, because despite her outwardly normal appearance she is actually a powerful superhero dedicated to ridding the streets of crime. Her outward strength betrays a deep-rooted insecurity, too, and when Jenny begins to become a bit too possessive for Matt's laid-back taste, the troubled boyfriend does his best to end the relationship amicably. They say that breaking up isn't easy to do, however, and when your girlfriend is a superhero, that sentiment holds twice the truth as it does under any normal circumstances. Matt is determined to get on with his life, though, and as his budding romance with beautiful co-worker Hannah begins to get serious, jealous Jenny scornfully slips into G-Girl mode to prove that hell hath no fury like a woman superhero scorned.

This is a ridiculous film. It's supposed to be a romantic comedy, but it's really not that funny - it's more goofy than anything. G-Girl is just a rip-off of Superman (and not a very good one). I don't know what they were trying to accomplish when making this film, but I certainly wasn't very amused. It has it's good parts and funny moments, but it's mostly just a series of dumb scenes with G-Girl showing off her powers (and using them to get back at her ex-boyfriend) - like when she throws a live shark through the window which proceeds to chase the ex-boyfriend around the apartment. That's the type of quality you should expect from this film - yawn...

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson, Anna Faris

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Covenant - ACE Train Movie Review

The story begins in 1692, when five families from the Ipswich Colony of Massachusetts formed a covenant of silence that would forever protect their remarkable powers. One family went too far, though, and as a result of their transgression they were forever banished from the land. Flash forward to the new millennium and the four Sons of Ipswich are now the student elite at the prestigious Spenser Academy. Bound by their sacred ancestry and sworn to silence, these four teens share a secret so remarkable that it has served to protect their families for hundreds of years. The past has a way of coming back when you least expect it though, and when the fifth Son of Ipswich returns seeking to harness the powers denied him in the past, the battle is on to ensure the safety of The Covenant and lay the one descendant who threatens to reveal their secret to rest once and for all.

This was a pretty entertaining film. The story was sufficiently original and interesting, the acting was good and the chemistry between the characters worked nicely. However, the best part of the movie was the special effects. All of the special powers were done great justice by the effects that were used - the best one was the car that was about to get hit head-on, split into pieces right before the collision, then reformed after the danger passed. It was a pretty dark film with a deep history behind the plot, but it was easy enough to follow along and not be distracted be the supernatural basis. While the ending wasn't very suspenseful as it was fairly obvious how it was going to conclude, the journey was worth a viewing.

Rating: 3 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Steven Strait, Sebastian Stan, Laura Ramsey

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Borat - ACE Train Movie Review

Sent by the Kazakh Ministry of Information to gain a better understanding of American culture and bring his findings back home, Borat and faithful producer Azamat set their sights in New York City. When the citizens and interview subjects of the Big Apple seem less than receptive to Borat's distinctively unrestrained approach and the curious Kazakh television personality stumbles across an episode of Baywatch while channel-surfing in his hotel room, he becomes instantly smitten with screen siren Pamela Anderson. Now confident that the only way to discover the true essence of America is to travel to California and make the bikini-clad beauty his bride, Borat purchases a ramshackle ice-cream truck in which he and Azamat will make their way across the Great Plains and on to the sunny West Coast - all the while coming into contact with a wide variety of "typical" Americans.

I'll give Sacha Baron Cohen major credit for creating a unique character and "becoming" that character. He's so good that, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought he was really from Kazakhstan or some other Eastern country. Some scenes in the mocumentary seemed real even though they must have been staged. Having said all that, this is a ridiculous film. It's in the same vein as Napoleon Dynamite in that you either will love it or hate it (or not get it). I fall into the latter category and think this type of comedy is funny in small doses, but a feature film is a bit too much and it gets old. There are some really funny parts, but it's mostly just a "shock value" film.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Sacha Baron Cohen, Ken Davitian, Jane Sanguinetti

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Gridiron Gang - ACE Train Movie Review

Sean Porter is a detention camp probation officer who oversees the inmates at Camp Kilpatrick in Los Angeles and isn't willing to simply write off the violent offenders who have been placed in his care. Though their prospects for the future are decidedly bleak, Porter is convinced that if he can just get through to his adolescent inmates they may finally be able to turn their lives around and make amends for the mistakes of their past. When Porter's proposal of forming a high-school-level football team at Camp Kilpatrick meets with skepticism and resistance in the highest ranks, the determined coach puts his career on the line to prove that even convicted criminals can acquire the tools needed to build a brighter future when given the proper motivation and the means of doing so.

This was a very good film with lots of action and sub-plots which combine for an entertaining experience. The whole movie was cast perfectly as the prisoners/players and coaches did an excellent job of portraying the real people who they were based on. There were lots of ups and downs, every emotion was touched upon and the roller coaster ride ended with a great conclusion and epilogue which explained what happened to the real people and they even showed some documentary footage of the real team practicing and playing - that showed how close the film was to the real thing. The main takeaway from this film should be that, with a little positive reinforcement and a safe outlet to channel their energy, troubled teens really can be molded into responsible adults instead of becoming career criminals (or dying young) - juvenile halls across the country should take note.

Rating: 4 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: The Rock, Jade Yorker, Xzibit

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hollywoodland - ACE Train Movie Review

George Reeves was a journeyman actor who had played a small role in Gone With The Wind and appeared on screen with the likes of James Cagney, Rita Hayworth and Marlene Dietrich, but his career was not exactly booming when he was cast as comic book hero Superman in a 1951 B-movie, Superman and the Mole Men. A year later, the producers of the movie launched a syndicated Superman television series with Reeves returning as the Man of Steel. The show became a major hit, and Reeves was a star at last. However, on June 16, 1959, to the shock of many, Reeves was found dead of a gunshot wound. Police soon declared Reeves' death a suicide and closed the case, but his mother refused to believe her son took his own life, and hired Louis Simo, a private detective, to find out the truth about her son's passing.

I had high hopes for this film since I like movies based on true events and this seemed like a juicy event that could have made for a great film. However, it ended up being a big dud. The pace of the movie was so slow that I found myself losing interest and had a hard time getting sucked into the plot. Adrien Brody and Ben Affleck were OK in their roles, but I think Diane Lane stole the show. Overall, it was very blah and didn't deliver any really exciting scenes. Furthermore, when a film takes on a true story with debatable events, the filmmakers typically take a stand and present their theory, but this film seemed to present all the different theories which made it a little weak and confusing. You can safely skip this film without missing anything of great quality.

Rating: 2 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Adrien Brody, Ben Affleck, Diane Lane

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Step Up - ACE Train Movie Review

Tyler Gage grew up on the wrong side of the tracks in a rough section of Baltimore, and has been in and out of trouble with the law most of his life. Finding himself before the judge yet again, Tyler is sentenced to 200 hours of community service, and he ends up mopping floors at the Maryland School of the Arts. Tyler catches the eye of Nora, a gifted ballet student who is trying to incorporate hip-hop moves into her classical routines. None of Nora's fellow students seem to be on the same page as her, but Tyler is a talented street dancer with strength, moves, and enthusiasm. Despite the misgivings of the school's administrators, Nora persuades Tyler to team up with her for a major class project. Tyler gains a new self-respect as he gives in to the discipline of the dance academy, but he wonders if this new opportunity means turning his back on who he really is. Matters become all the more complicated when Tyler and Nora realize they're falling in love.

I wasn't very impressed with this film. The dancing and music in the movie were both top notch and pretty amazing. However, the story was just too predictable for my taste. Even though this was a drama and not a suspense thriller, I found it hard to get into the drama when it was obvious what was going to happen. The lead characters had good chemistry, were great dancers and were believable in their roles, but the whole plot was very cliche and unoriginal. It's a good one to watch if you don't want to have to think very much and just want to be entertained since it was pretty entertaining despite other shortcomings.

Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan, Damaine Radcliff

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Stranger Than Fiction - ACE Train Movie Review

Harold Crick lives a life of solitude. Kay Eiffel can't seem to find a way to finish her latest book. Though Harold and Kay have never actually met, their fates are about to become intertwined in a most unusual manner. With her publishers growing increasingly impatient with her apparent inability to put the finishing touches on her latest novel, Kay is assigned a new assistant whose task it is to help provide the creative push needed to get her book finished and into the hands of her many eager fans. The subject of Kay's novel is a lonely and despairing IRS agent named Harold Crick, who believes that his life has lost any real meaning. As Kay continues to weave Harold's woeful tale without realizing that her protagonist is actually a living human being unable to concentrate on his life and career due to the constant interference of the narrator who inexplicably seems to anticipate his every move and read his every thought, her continued efforts to kill her perplexed subject finally provide him with the incentive needed to fully experience life by seeking out the source of the voice that plagues him.

This is a very strange film that starts off slow and picks up a little, but never reaches a point that there's a lot of action. The draw of this film is that it's completely original and the plot is nothing like anything I have ever seen. It gives a whole new perspective to fictional novels you have read if you start to think of the characters as real, living people - not just characters in a book who might "seem real." Don't expect a typical Will Ferrell, goofy film. He does an excellent job in this drama with just a little comedy thrown in. The rest of the cast completes the story nicely and provides the support to pull this odd film off. I'd recommend this film if you're able to watch with an open mind and not expect the same Hollywood movie formula.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman, Emma Thompson, Queen Latifah

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Monterey / Carmel Trip - March 4-5, 2007

With the impending delivery of our bundle of joy in about 4 months, Shawnna and I decided it would be a good time to take one of the last "pre-baby" trips to Monterey and Carmel.
Asilomar Beach
We hit the road Sunday morning and were in Monterey with time to shop at the outlets and walk down Cannery Row before lunch. We ate at a place that Shawnna had heard about on a Rachael Ray cooking show called Cafe Fina, which is located on the Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey. I had the fish and chips while Shawnna chose the shrimp burger and we had fried calamari for an appetizer. The food was excellent and the view consisted of docked boats, kayakers and sea lions resting on rocks in the water - pretty nice.

After lunch, we drove along the coast of Monterey and Pacific Grove on our way to Carmel. We checked into our hotel which was The Normandy Inn located on Ocean Avenue in between all the shops and the ocean. We ended up getting a room in the original building (built in 1921) with a fireplace and partial ocean view.
Room at The Normandy Inn
It was very charming, quaint, etc. and yes, we actually lit a fire in the fireplace. Next, we walked all around Carmel-by-the-Sea and looked in the various shops and galleries. For dinner, we drove back to Monterey and ate at The Sardine Factory. We were sat in "The Conservatory" dining room where Shawnna ordered Chicken Baltino and I enjoyed Steak & Lobster. For dessert, we indulged in Madame Flora’s “Banana Split” Platter which had this description on the menu - Hot caramelized bananas foster & house churned gelato, such as chocolate cinnamon kahlĂșa, tahitian vanilla & frutti spumoni, topped with pineapple, raspberry & chocolate sauce with whipped cream & toasted nuts - Yum! After stuffing our faces, it was time to go back to Carmel where we walked a couple laps around Ocean Ave. (the shops were all closed at this point) and settled down for a warm, winter's night.

We woke up Monday morning, ate the complimentary continental breakfast at the Inn, lounged around until we had to check
Asilomar Beach Boardwalk
out, then headed back towards Monterey. We stopped in Pacific Grove and took a long walk on the boardwalk at Asilomar Beach. The weather was so nice with the sun shining in the blue sky and ocean waves crashing on the sand - it was the perfect day. We continued driving down the coast to Monterey, made a stop at Lover's Point to soak in more of the great day and then headed back to reality. As tough as it was to come back, it was great to get away for a couple of days before our next journey begins.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Lady in the Water - ACE Train Movie Review

M. Night Shyamalan writes and directs this self-proclaimed, grown-up "bedtime story" about an apartment building superintendent named Cleveland who discovers a magical sea-nymph named Story who's been transported to this world and is living in the building's own swimming pool. As this bizarre revelation sinks in, Cleveland becomes enraptured by her other-worldly charm. As he shelters her in his apartment, other inhabitants of the building begin falling into place as representations of characters from an Eastern myth in which these mermaids, or "narfs," co-exist unhappily with more beastly and violent characters. In human reality, the forces of darkness that threaten the heroes of a fairy tale prove to be much more terrifying, and the victory of good over evil is by no means guaranteed.

This is a ridiculously bad movie. M. Night Shyamalan created a classic film with "The Sixth Sense" and a pretty good film with "The Village," but "Lady in the Water" is not clever or entertaining. It seemed like it was written by a bunch of kids who made up dumb names for make-believe creatures and lame rituals that had to be performed to save the day. The acting seemed forced and I didn't believe what was taking place. Even though it was supposed to be intense, I found myself wanting to laugh at the absurdity of it all. I'm all for creativity and taking chances, but this is too far out there to be of interest.

Rating: 1.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Paul Giamatti, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jeffrey Wright

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.

Open Season - ACE Train Movie Review

Raised by kindly park ranger Beth since he was a just a cub, 900-pound grizzly Boog is content to spend his days entertaining Timberline tourists and his nights nestled safely in Beth's luxurious garage. Boog's life is about to get much more complicated, however, when paranoid hunter Shaw returns from a recent foray in the woods with a frightened, one-horn mule deer named Elliot strapped trophy-like to the hood of his truck. Though at first reluctant to answer Elliot's desperate cries for help, gentle giant Boog eventually frees the thankful creature, who in turn decides to teach his hulking friend what it truly means to be free. Subsequently tranquilized and relocated into the wilderness after momentarily reverting to his true animalistic nature, Boog is forced to team with seasoned forest-dweller Elliot in order to find their way out of the woods before hunting season starts and Shaw comes gunning for all creatures great and small.

This was an OK film, but not great. There wasn't much that was original. It was your typical kids animated film that begins peaceful and fun, has conflict in the middle and ends with a nice, happy ending. There wasn't a whole lot that adults would be interested in. You could figure out the ending within the first 10 minutes and while there were a couple of funny parts, it was mostly pretty dull. One positive is that it's a very clean film and should be OK for the whole family to enjoy, but there is a lot of violence against rabbits for some reason. There are plenty of entertaining, animated films that have been produced, but this just isn't one of them.

Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
Would I watch it again: No
Starring: Voices of Martin Lawrence, Ashton Kutcher, Gary Sinise, Debra Messing, Jon Favreau, Billy Connolly

I typically watch movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while riding the ACE Train from Tracy to Santa Clara. The opinions expressed are those of me, myself and I.